News and Announcements

Another Summer in the Books

Posted by Club Brittany President at Sep 2, 2024 8:28PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hard to believe another Summer is in the books at Club Brittany. Hopefully, it was a lot of fun; full of great life-long memories.

I’d like to thank everyone that helped make this summer a good one. Huge thanks to the lifeguards, the Pool Managers; Chris Porter and Hudson Scalan, Allison Mickunas and the swim team coaches, Swim Instructor; Tom Clements, the Club Brittany Board, the board spouses for helping out and being understanding of all of our time spent at the pool, Janet Dierstein for organizing the Triathlon, Tony Evelyn and Advanced Machine & Tooling for the new Club Brittany sign, and all of the volunteers who have helped out in various ways at the facility over the past year. You all have my gratitude and I’m certain the gratitude of our members and their families. THANK YOU.

Now that the pool is closed and the kids are back in school with fall sports starting and everything that comes with this time of year, it’s time for the behind the scenes work to begin. We’re about to start a lot of work at Club Brittany. Some of the projects that we’d like to complete in the off-season is finishing the end of the new railing, installing the new window in the manager’s office, installing the supports for the sun-shades, replacing rotten wood on the terrace, replacing the horrible fence around the chemical storage area, replacing the deck near the river to include the concrete pads with new skimmers and ladder railing, as well as small projects such as landscaping and painting.

None of this would be possible without money and volunteers or contractors. I hope that your family will consider contributing to the Capital Campaign if you have the ability. This will help us to get much needed projects completed without raising membership rates to cover improvements. If you own a business, please consider becoming a Club Brittany Corporate Sponsor. If not, possibly talk to your employer, friends, or family members who may be in a position to become a sponsor. It’s a win-win for all. I work hard to be a good steward of Club Brittany funds and stretch it as far as possible. The more we raise, the more improvements that can be completed.

If you aren’t in a position to contribute, please consider helping at the facility this year. The first work day will be Saturday, September 14th. I plan to be at Club Brittany at 9AM. Any and all help would be appreciated. Demo is a lot of fun. No experience needed. If you’re able to help, please send me an email. Please include any projects that you’d like to work on as well as tools and skills that you may have.

Please also consider being part of the Club Brittany Board or helping on one of the committees. We’re looking for a new Treasurer and a Fund Raising Board Member. We could use someone who’s able to hit the street and talk to businesses about becoming sponsors. I’d love to have banners from local restaurants that deliver to CB, as well as one insurance agent, lawyer, real estate agent, mechanic, and various other community businesses. Additionally, the social chairs and Janet can always use some help with their activities. Please reach out if you have an interest or any new ideas to help the facility.

Thank you!
John Gallegos
Club Brittany President

Post Author Picture

Free Slushies and Snack Bar Discounts

Posted by Club Brittany President at Aug 30, 2024 7:39PM PDT

Closing weekend has come. We still have a few more days to enjoy the pool, though! We’ll have free Slushies at the pool on Saturday from 11AM until around 4PM. And a fire sale at the snack bar until we’re sold out. Come out and have some fun before we close at 5PM on Monday!

See you at the pool!
John Gallegos

Adjusted Pool Hours

Posted by Club Brittany President at Aug 26, 2024 11:55AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Due to school being back in, Club Brittany will not open until 4PM, Monday through Thursday, this week.

Summer's Winding Down

Posted by Club Brittany President at Aug 19, 2024 8:26PM PDT

Good Evening, Club Brittany Families,

Summer is winding down, but we still have a few things planned at the pool.

This Saturday morning is the First Club Brittany Kids Triathlon. There are still a few spots open if you have a child that’s interested in participating. Also, we could use a couple more volunteers if you’re interested, or just come out to cheer the group and purchase a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts. Participants should have received a very informative email this evening, so please look for that email.

The following weekend is the last weekend of the season. Hard to believe! On Saturday night, 8/31, I had planned for a kids’ dance party evening with music, glow sticks, a light show, and frozen slushies. The interest doesn’t appear to be there for this event, so, we will have lots of FREE slushies that afternoon.

Monday, 9/2, the pool will close at 5PM. We will have a fire sale of leftover snacks over the weekend and especially on Monday. Please come out to get some deals, a last splash, and help close the facility down so we can prepare for much needed construction.

Speaking of construction, the Capital Campaign can use donations. We have a list of projects and you can donate to the campaign as a whole or a specific project. We could use the help to get the facility ready for an even better 2025!

Look for 2025 registration, soon, with several payment options, including full payment!

See you at the pool!
John Gallegos

CB Crush Night Canceled

Posted by Club Brittany President at Aug 15, 2024 6:43PM PDT

Good evening.

Due to lack of participation, the Crush Night planned for tomorrow night has been canceled.
The pool will be open to all during normal hours tomorrow.

John Gallegos